Summer of Service

Students pulling weed for Summer of Service

More Than 25 Years of Summer of Service

Summer of Service is a service-learning summer program for youth entering grades 5-10. During each two-week session, students will work in teams to perform service projects in our community, witness the missions of local service organizations firsthand, and reflect on how their personal talents can be used in service to others. Fridays are designated for Fun Friday activities where we will celebrate our work! Join SOS for two weeks of fun today!

“The main reason to begin a Summer of Service program in our community is to show youth that our community values them and challenges them to contribute through service…This Summer of Service program will give our youth the skills and tools necessary to help our community, at the same time allowing them to develop through a structured program.” 


   Proposal for SOS in 1997

Summer 2025

Session 1: June 16 - June 27 (No SOS on June 19th)

Session 2: July 7 - July 18

Session 3: July 21 - August 1

Students are welcome to register for multiple 2-week sessions. Similar service projects may be repeated between sessions.

Community Partners

We are proud to serve non-profit organizations in Rochester and the surrounding area. We take buses to their locations, they teach us about their missions, and we help them with whatever projects they have planned for us. Ten students can get a lot done in just a few hours, and over the course of the summer, multiple teams of SOS students can leave a meaningful impact. These are a few of our partners from recent years: Camp Companion, Channel One, Habitat for Humanity, Revolutionary Earth, Salvation Army, University of Minnesota: Rochester.

Join our team

Are you looking for a full-time job this summer? Do you think that leading service-based learning projects sounds like a great time? 

Contact the Josh Halverson at for more information.