Thank you to all of our 2023-2024 retirees for your years of dedication to the students of Rochester Public Schools. You have made a difference in their lives! Wishing you a happy retirement.
Summer meals are back! Starting next Monday, June 10, free meals will be available for children ages 1-18. Meals for adults are also available at a small cost ($3 for breakfast and $5.25 for lunch). For locations, dates, and operating hours, visit:
On Memorial Day, we celebrate, honor, and remember those who gave their lives for our country. Thank you for your service!
Happy Vesak Day to those who celebrate.
The race is on to the end of the school year! Yesterday, our 5th-grade students came together for our Annual All City Track Meet, where they raced, jumped, threw, punted, & sprinted to the finish line! A big shout out to our physical educators who made this day possible for our students!
With the end of the year around the corner, you might be looking for a creative way to thank an RPS Staff member for the impact they've made on your family. Consider honoring a staff member by donating to the Rochester Public School Foundation:
Learn more about honoring a staff member:
Happy Mother's Day to all of the amazing, loving, strong, happy, selfless and graceful mothers, stepmothers, grandmas, foster moms, late mothers, future moms, bereaved mothers, hopeful moms, those with estranged relationships with their moms, and motherly figures. Thank you for your contributions to our students, families, and communities.
Tomorrow is National Bike and Roll to School Day! Strap on your helmet and get ready to roll with some of these helpful bike safety tips:
• Always wear a helmet
• Give your student visibility
• Follow the rules of the road
• Do an "ABC" Bike Check - Check your air, brakes, and bike chain!
Happy Orthodox Easter to those who celebrate.
Wishing a happy and festive Cinco de Mayo to those who celebrate!
Sunday, May 5th is the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls #MMIWG. We ask that you wear red to help raise awareness of these acts of violence against Indigenous women.
"Approximately 1,500 American Indian and Alaska Native missing persons have been entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) throughout the U.S., and approximately 2,700 cases of Murder and Nonnegligent Homicide Offenses have been reported to the Federal Government’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. In total, BIA estimates there are approximately 4,200 missing and murdered cases that have gone unsolved." - U.S. Department of the Interior Indian Affairs.
To learn more about the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, please visit: or
Our Student Nutrition team is celebrating over 800 years of service! And today is School Lunch Hero Day! Thank you for your dedication and all you do for our district and the students of Rochester Public Schools.
Today, April 26, is Arbor Day! Celebrate today by:
• Hiking through the woods on a nearby trail. (Information on Rochester area trails can be found at
• Planting or donating a tree.
• Reading a book about trees
• Making a plan to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Happy Earth Day! We can't wait to hear about all the earth day activities throughout our schools.
Looking for ideas? Try one of the fun earth-friendly activities 🌎 below:
• Bring a trash bag on your family walk and fill it with any trash you find.
• Try "earth painting" by using mud as paint on sidewalks or paper or use non-toxic watercolors to paint river rocks.
• Create a Recycle, Reuse, Reduce collage: Use "trash" (paper scraps, labels, junk mail, and other found items) and glue to create a multimedia masterpiece.
• Learn more about what you can recycle as a family with a tour by Olmsted County Environmental Resources this Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at their Waste-to-Energy Facility. More information:
Let's grow together!
Wishing a happy Passover to those who celebrate.
Happy Mahavir Jayanti to those who celebrate.
Happy First Day of Ridván to those who celebrate.
Wishing a happy Rama Navami to those who celebrate.
Rochester Public Schools invites you to come and enjoy our spring plays starting April 25!
The Great Gatsby, presented by the Panther Playhouse of Century High School, opens Thursday, April 25, and runs through April 27, with play times from 7 p.m. and a 2 p.m. matinee on Saturday.
I Hate Shakespeare, presented by Mayo Stage Door Backstage Pass of Mayo High School, opens April 26 and runs through April 28, with evening showings at 7 p.m. and a 1:00 p.m. matinee on Sunday.
Spy School, presented by John Marshall Theater of John Marshall High school, opens April 25 and runs through April 27 with evening showings at 7 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased at the door or through the Hometown Fan app on your phone. To purchase tickets through the app, simply download the Hometown Fan app and search for Rochester High School hosting the play of your choice.
We hope to see you there!
We have started preparing bus routing for the 2024-25 school year. With boundary and school changes for the upcoming school year and changes in busing eligibility, there may be some changes in eligibility for students. To check if you are eligible for transportation, and more information visit