Skyward IT Technician - Elementary
507.328.4416 | Email Melissa Domnick
Skyward Employee Access
Employee Access provides information and tools related to payroll, time off, and personal information. This area will continue to grow in functionality as features are either turned on or developed by Skyward.
Below are video tutorials and PDF instructions to help you get started in Skyward.
Elementary Access and Tutorials
Secondary Access and Tutorials
Melissa Domnick
Cheryl Burt
Skyward IT Technician - Secondary
507.328.4417 | Email Cheryl Burt
Skyward Mobile App
The free Skyward Mobile app is now available for the iPhone or Android device. This lite version of Skyward provides convenient access through your phone network to some basic areas within Skyward. Depending on your security rights you may have access to information within the Skyward Business/Employee Access and/or Skyward Student Management systems.