Students in Transition
The Students In Transition program in Rochester Public Schools helps to support and provide services to students experiencing unstable housing or homelessness. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001 defines “homeless children and youths” as “individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”
Rights of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness:
Access to a free and appropriate public education
Receive the same programs and services that are provided to all other children
Enrollment in a new school without proof of residential status, school records, proof of guardianship or other documents
Continue in the school they attended before becoming homeless
Receive transportation to the school they attended before becoming homeless
Free breakfast and lunch at school

Contact us for more information
You may be eligible for additional services for you or your child at school, if you live:
In a shelter
In a hotel or motel
With friends or family because you have no home
In an empty building, in a car, or other unsafe place
On the street
In emergency foster care
With friends and you are 17 years old or younger…
How RPS can help:
Immediate enrollment
Free breakfast and lunch at school
School supplies
Scholarships for school activities
Referrals to community resources that include: medical support, food, housing, mental health support, and other resources
Information about preschool programs
Access to a school social worker