Edison Administration Building
615 7th Street SW Rochester, MN 55902
507.328.4260 | Fax: 507.328.4258
Register Rider Form
Please complete a Registered Rider Form if you have a student enrolled in a district-wide option school, a high school student, or a non-public school student to ensure your child is on the correct route.
Address Change Form
Please complete an Address Change Form if you have a student utilizing transportation services and have recently changed addresses.
Alternate Site Transportation Form
According to School Board Policy 707, Subsection IV, G:
The parent/guardian may designate by a signed, written request a child-care facility, respite care facility, the residence of a relative, or the residence of a person chosen by the parent or guardian as the address of the student for transportation purposes. The address must be in the attendance area of the assigned school and meet other eligibility requirements.
Joint Custody Form
Please complete a Joint Custody form if both parents meet busing eligibility requirements to receive transportation.

Department of Transportation
Emergency Transportation Form
If a parent/guardian(s) are going to be out of town, temporary transportation from another address is available if that address can be accommodated by an existing route. The Temporary Care Form must be completed at least three days prior to departure.
Foster Care Transportation Form
Olmsted County or the foster family may designate by a signed, written request a child-care facility, respite care facility, the residence of a relative, or the residence of a person chosen by the parent or guardian as the address of the student for transportation purposes.