Winter will be here soon, and we want to share our procedures with you should we have an unexpected school closing. Because these closures are unexpected, all families should have a contingency plan for their children in the event of school closings.
Who makes the decision to close school?
The superintendent or his designee decides all school closings and/or schedule changes. Three primary factors contribute to the decision to cancel school due to inclement weather: road conditions, visibility, and projections for incoming weather during the course of the day. As we evaluate these factors, keeping our students, staff, and families safe is our highest priority. Decisions to cancel or shorten the regular school day and after-school activities shall be made by the superintendent or his designee in consultation with other District leaders and may include consultation with local city/county personnel and neighboring school districts, as appropriate. The chief administrative officer and the director of transportation will consult with the superintendent to ensure that the facilities are able to receive students and that buses are able to run routes. Decisions on school closings and late starts will be made as early as possible – either the night before or as early in the morning as possible, typically by 5:30 a.m.
How will the district determine Late Starts and Early Dismissals?
Late starts and early dismissals are inherently difficult for many programs and families. We do our best to keep them to a minimum. Early dismissals will be determined as conditions dictate.
In the event of a late start, typically morning Early Childhood Preschool, PAIIR classes, School Age Child Care (SACC), Community Education Classes, and CTECH courses will all be canceled. Classes and programs that begin at noon or later will be held. Hawthorne Education Center will open at 9:30 a.m., and classes will begin at 10 a.m.
What about SACC?
If RPS announces school closing PRIOR to the start of school, SACC may be available from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Northrop Education Center (201 8th St. NW) for children registered in the School Age Child Care Program. Be sure to send child(ren) with outdoor apparel, and a lunch/beverage.
If RPS announces a late start to the school day, there will be no morning SACC. If RPS announces an early dismissal to the school day, there will be no PM afternoon SACC.
How will staff/families be notified?
All school closing information will be communicated by the director of communications or her designee through:
Parent and Staff Notification System (families with students in the district are automatically enrolled in our Alerts messaging system)
This will be an email, recorded voice message, and text message
District and School websites
RPS App (search "Rochester Public Schools" in your app store)
Social Media - Like and follow us on Facebook
Local Media Outlets – such as KTTC, KAAL, KIMT, and KROC
Families with students in the district are automatically enrolled in our Alerts messaging system
Learn more about inclement weather and emergency school closings on our at