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Rochester Public Schools
RPS Safe Routes to School is a collaborative partnership between Rochester Public Schools, Olmsted County, and the City of Rochester, promoting active transportation and getting students safely to and from school.
Walking and Biking to School
We encourage families who live within the walk zone to consider walking or biking to school. When more children walk and bike to school, the auto pick-up and drop-off congestion around the school diminishes and makes it safer for everyone. The decision to walk and bike should take into account the child’s age and maturity level, the presence of sidewalks and crosswalks, and the distance to school. We recommend that parents take an active role in teaching their children the rules of the road, practicing the best route to school with their children, pointing out crosswalks and how to be safe.
Walking Zones
Walking zones are the geographical areas in which students live and walk or bike to school. School bus service is not offered in these areas except for students who have special needs. Walk zones are determined by measuring the distance, in the most direct route, from the home of the student to the nearest property line of the school of attendance.
Do you need help planning your route to school? Contact the SRTS Supervisor and we can assist.
By statute, school districts are required to transport students living more than 2 miles from school. In Rochester, students in grades K-5 living more than 1.25 miles, grades 6-8 living more than 1.5 miles, and 9-12 living more than 2 miles are provided transportation. Transportation is provided for students living within the District-defined attendance boundary of their school of attendance.
Safe Routes to School Supervisor
Deirdre Conroy
Police: 911
Rochester Police Dept. (Non-Emergency): 507.328.6800
City of Rochester Transportation
507.328.7433 | Email RPT